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SST™ PX Manual Cabinet

This cabinet includes one PX spray unit, master control, ample manual spray workspace, glove protected spray access, wide safety view window, integrated downdraft ventilation, powder reclamation system, and all safety interlocks. Excellent for Development work and manual small parts repair.

  • 36” x 60” Cabinet for Manual & Cartesian XY Automatic Spraying
  • Work area each side 30”X 30”X 26”
  • Durable Non-Spark Aluminum Construction 2 Axis Cartesian Robot 300 mm X 300 mm travel
  • Volumetric Powder Feeder controlled by Cold Spray Controller (Series PX)
  • Integrated X Volumetric Powder Feeder

Safety Features

  • Integrated safety equipment
  • Cold Spray Control is interlocked to the Ventilation System
  • Integrated Air Dryer to produce Class 2 Air Quality for Cabinet and Gun pressurization