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SST™ PX Manual-Automatic Split Cabinet

Split spray workspace including workspace for manual spraying with the SST P handgun and workspace for automatic spraying with the SST Automatic P gun attached to a Cartesian XY robot.  This cabinet includes one PX spray unit, master control, dual workspace, protected glove access to the manual workspace, one P Handgun, one P Automatic gun, XY Cartesian Robot, wide safety view windows, integrated downdraft ventilation, powder reclamation system, and all safety interlocks. Excellent for development work and small parts repair.

  • 36” x 60” Cabinet for Manual & Cartesian XY Automatic Spraying
  • Work area each side 30”X 30”X 26”
  • Durable Non-Spark Aluminum Construction 2 Axis Cartesian Robot 300 mm X 300 mm travel
  • Integrated X Volumetric Powder Feeder

Safety Features

  • Integrated safety equipment
  • Cold Spray Control is interlocked to the Ventilation System
  • Integrated Air Dryer to produce Class 2 Air Quality for Cabinet and Gun pressurization